Currency Converter (FX)

Currency Converter (FX)

Project Overview

The Problem

Users often want an application that gives real time exchange rates, and in addition to this, users who are often on-the-go want to access exchange rates for Bitcoin and foreign currencies in an offline mode to avoid roaming fees abroad.

The Goal

To design an app using the design process of (empathy, define, ideate, create a prototype and test) that not just gives real time exchange rates for currencies, but allows for offline mode to avoid roaming fees while abroad.

The Product

Currency Converter (FX) is a real-time exchange rate with data of over 180 countries for foreign currencies, and Bitcoin, Gold and Silver rate conversations. It comprises of an offline mode by way of automatic refresh of live rates once a mobile device is connected to the internet. Users are also able to convert multiple currencies at once, with a graphic view to show the rate growths for 1 to 10 days.

My Role and Responsibilities 

I am a UX researcher and designer, tasked with designing the app that gives end users the ability to get real-time exchange rates for foreign currencies, Bitcoin, Gold and Silver, online and offline. I conducted researches, interviews, and usability studies. In addition, I created paper and digital wireframes, low and high fidelity prototypes. I also carried out testings to ensure that the app meets accessibility standards and finally iterated on the design.

Project Duration

The duration of this project is from August 2019 to January 2020.

Understanding the User

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users. Through these, I discovered user pain points which are summarised into these three points:

1. Result: This is derived from users wanting a quick and effortless result when they invoke a search, and this is further aided by an offline mode of the app through automatic refreshing when a mobile device is connected to the internet.

2. Accessibility: This results from users wanting an app that has legible texts and is easy to use. This is aided by a search button and a graph to visualise real-time rates.

3. Time: Users want the ability to convert multiple currencies at once to save time from the steps that are involved in individual conversions.

Low Fidelity Mockup

Currency Converter (FX) Low Fidelity Design

High Fidelity Mockup

Currency Converter (FX) High Fidelity Prototype 2

Usability Studies

The usability study conducted for this app was done with an unmoderated method. It included 19 participants with questions for the first build from low fidelity to high fidelity prototype. The duration was for 7 minutes each.

The findings from the usability study revealed the following:

1. Users need a way to convert currencies without the bother of roaming fees while on vacation abroad with an offline mode.

2. Users want an easy way to check on the rates of cryptocurrency (Bitcoin), Gold and Silver.

3. Users need a search function to enable the quick search and add of new currencies to favourites from the long list of 180+.


Users have shared that Currency Converter (FX) is a useful app that has put the necessities of modern checks in place.

One of the quotes from peer feedback is:

”Its so cool that I can even check Bitcoin rates and all this is possible offline”

What I Learned

This was a project that I was not very certain was going to scale good in the minds of participants in my research, but surprisingly the pain points that were discovered makes it different and useful.

Currency Converter (FX) Usability Study
Currency Converter (FX) 2

Accessibility Considerations

1. High contrast design to aid users with visual impairment.

2. Graph to show a visual upward and downward movement of each rate.

3. The use of a widget to allow search for currencies and conversion without needing to enter the application.

Next Step?

Iterate more on the app and add some more crypto currencies apart from Bitcoin, and also testings, lots of it to ensure that issues are always ironed out.

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